
I.G. Punisher, Part II

Some shots of a nearly completed punisher tank- I needed to get it into action, so some detail work is still not finished, but good enough for war! After spraying it, I did a wet wash of GW foundation Yellow Ochre and some reaper darker grey to fill in the colors. After that I applied a couple of “rust” washes, with a liquid you find in the train shops, to get the basic colors. Then I edged the yellow with Reaper golden blonde mixed with yellow ochre. The tracks are black mixed with Vallejo red brown, and then I took a graphite pencil to get the metallic look on the edges. I uses some pastels to add in a bit of dust and dirt. The Blue grey of the guns and tank commander's helmet tie in with the rest of my 40K "falshirmjaeger" look. Decals are stock GW.

This baby, set up with a tank Ace (one of the few Forge world models I have), throws out 29 strength 5 rounds a turn at ballistic skill 4. It was more than effective against the Tyranids; supported by my stalwart infantry, a Leman Russ and some brave Sentinels, by turn 4 the body count was 50/837 out of 1000pts, to my favor. I might just build another one of these.  I scored a "nid" skull that I am painting up as a trophy to add to the tank soon.

Top down view, which really shows the tank bristling with firepower; I spec the coax gun as a pintle mounted storm bolter.


  1. Wow, there are some wild textures in the yellows. Almost looks like a cross hatching. How did you accomplish that?

  2. Very easy- take the picture near a window with a screen on it! I didn't realize till after I did the shots, and haven't had time to do a reshoot, since the tank is currently in combat. That and I thought it looked "cool".

  3. Looking good. How did she do in combat?

  4. She did quite Admirably, thanks! During the first battle, In three turns the punisher tossed out 87 dice of ST5 death,hitting 54 times and wounding 37. Now, everyone concentrates on taking her out, and ignores my flank attacks with Sentinels, and huddles up behind buildings for my arty to find them. My infantry really appreciates it.

  5. Need some Kill Rings on the main gun... just to show others she's capable and can dish it out!

  6. Great idea. Might be hard with the barrels. I have been putting "purity" seals on her, and do have a nid skull to hang off the turret as a trophy.
