
Kings of War: Heavy Pike

"All your base are belong to us!"

The great Re-Basening

Looking forward to my "Triumph of Death" line of undead landsknechts, I'll need someone to fight against them. I've got a half painted up "Empire" renaissance landsknecht army from my warhammer days, that are eager to be multibased. I figured that starting with a pike block made the most sense.

I have to admit I went into this with some trepidation, but once I let go and started building a "story" out of the unit, I became excited to do it- and to do more!

 All your Base

I've made the base  with a 5mm "deckled" edge to break it up and blend it in, as well as lock together with other bases. I think for future bases I'll only go 3mm over the standard Kings of War base size, as that jives with how if I had my minis on a Sabot/ movement tray the outer border would be.
By the way,  I totally got this (broken edge) idea from the great Simon Miller, aka Big Red Bat who does it for his awesome "To the Stongest" rules and game. Go check out his blog!

Mistakes were Made

I really do like the look of the unit, and it's kind of fun to be able to pick it all up on one base. In retrospect, I would have broken up the front line a bit more. They look almost as regimented as if they were on 20 x 20 bases.  Maybe they are just that well trained?! 


  1. I do rather like the look, and it's a lot easier than my old WRG units....moving them was a pain!

    1. Don- exactly! Pretty easy for storage and transport as well, I'm thinking.

  2. Wait, those are 28mm figures!! Are you feeling ok? ;-) Looks great Thomas!

    1. Jay- Lol, yep, I don't make 28mm woodens, so time to go back to my roots! Nice to have time over Christmas break to get some old projects finished and others started.

  3. They look superb, a wonderful job!
