Skull & Crown Store


Blogs and Responses- I can't seem to reply to you all

Just a quick post to say I am reading all of your comments, and have been trying to reply to them, but my replies don't seem to stick. It's like blogger keeps logging me out, once I am out of edit mode.

So, sorry for not being able to answer you all individually- but I did want to thank you all for your support and questions about my last Kickstarter- which you all helped make a great success!

I'll be posting more on the KS minis as I get them back from the caster- and will try to figure out why I can't reply. If anyone out there in bloggyland has a clue, please to clue me in!


1 comment:

  1. I had this issue last year. Trying to remember...I think there is a box to click in your setting and you need to clear your browser history. But if you google it there is a definite fix.
